“Yeah, well, you know, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.”

  • The Power of Attention

    Attention is a powerful force that demands responsibility and bears consequences. As advertisers, let’s respect our audience’s attention. As creators, let’s direct our attention with potency and purpose. And as humans, let’s channel our attention into acts of creation, nurturing, and genuine connection.

  • Comedy's Decline

    Now more than ever, comedic entertainment has the opportunity to connect, engage and break through. So why is there less than ever in awards shows and the industry in general? And why should anyone even care?

  • Time Management for Creatives

    The ad industry is really good about hyping what to make, but there’s not as much guidance on how to do it. In this article you’ll find some friendly advice from yours truly. Because as the legendary jazz musician Miles Davis once said, “Time isn’t the main thing, it’s the only thing.”

  • Save the Adplanet

    We’ve all noticed timelines crunching, budgets tightening, deliverables multiplying and people getting crispier year after year. What can we do to protect ourselves from becoming disposable? How do we protect our time and creative value?

  • Count on Anxiety

    Back in caveman days, anxiety helped keep us alive. During a global pandemic, it keeps us up at night and cooks us alive from the inside out. Here’s a peek into the mind of an anxious ad person circa summer 2020.

  • A.I. Got Me Nervouscited

    The world doesn’t need another hot take on AI. So here’s a lukewarm one. I'm not an expert and have no business weighing in, so you’ve been warned, read at your own peril.